Debrina Kawan was a beautiful American woman who the system completely failed at every turn. She went from having a successful career at Merck to living on the streets by age 57.
Then with no where to go, no where to sleep, presumably exhausted, she found respite in a subway car and was set on fire while sound asleep in what can only be described as a racially motivated attack by an Anti-White illegal from Guatemala. Her attacker fanned the flames engulfing Debrina and then watched as she was consumed by fire and slowly burned to death.
She never had a chance. Not working for corporations. Not trying to exist in the shadows of society. Not anywhere. There was no place for Debrina. An American woman utterly failed by the system. She lived in the shadows. Now we know who she was.
We can never forget Debrina. Her entire life experience exemplifies the anti-American, anti-White Liberal hellscape that has now become America. In reality, Debrina was the victim of "Democracy". A system built for suffering.