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Excerpts from the book Hunter, by Dr William Luther Pierce

Writer: Németh DebsNémeth Debs

Excerpts from the book Hunter, by Dr William Luther Pierce:

The churches, however, were easily the most vociferous of the boosters of the race-mixers. Right down the line, from the primitive charismatics of backwoods Fundamentalism to the blandest of Unitarians and the trendiest of Episcopalians, they roared out their approval of miscegenation and their solidarity with its practitioners. There were memorial vigils almost daily, for one or another of the couples he had shot, by groups of ministers and priests on the Capitol steps. If there were any Christian groups which were not marching in lock-step with the others, it was only one or two of the smaller Eastern Orthodox churches, whose congregations consisted mostly of aging refugees from eastern Europe.


“Their boasting, in fact, is really outrageous. They never tire of reminding us that they are the creators of the West’s religion and of a greatly disproportionate share of its literature, art, music, and science. They have so often repeated their claim that the four greatest thinkers and innovators of the last 2,000 years have been Jesus, Marx, Freud, and Einstein—all Jews—that they have most Gentiles, even those who should know better, believing it. I’m sure that you’ve heard that particular boast yourself a hundred times. Have you simply accepted it at face value, or have you questioned it?

Oscar blushed and stammered, “Well, to tell the truth, I-“

Harry cut him off and continued the monologue: “It’s the same with nearly everyone. The fact that the Jews have been able to get away with such preposterous humbug virtually unchallenged is a tribute to their colossal ability to deceive. Just think about it. There is no doubt that Jesus was a religious reformer of exceptional ability and charisma, if we judge him by the supposed record of his life and teachings in the New Testament, but the religion founded by his followers certainly wasn’t a Western religion. It gained a foothold among the slaves and other alien elements of the demimonde in the decaying Roman Empire, and then it was imposed on our Saxon ancestors by fire and sword. What it became during the thousand years since then certainly was colored by our own racial character, making it at times in the past rather different from the subversive creed used by Saul of Tarsus and his successors to undermine the power of Rome.

“During the last 50 years or so, however, its subversive, anti-Western tendencies have come to the fore again, and today it ranks right up there with the mass media and the Federal government as one of the principal agents of racial destruction. It is a religion of equality, of weakness, of regression and decay, of surrender and submission, of oblivion. If our race survives the next century it will only be because we have gotten the monkey of Christianity off our backs and have found our way to a genuinely Western spirituality again. The Jews may claim Jesus as one of their own if they wish, but in the long run I hardly believe that we will consider ourselves in their debt because of it."


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