From IT workers to forklift truck drivers and tradies: Grim details emerge about the leaders of New South Wales 'paedophile ring' as girls as young as 18 months are abused and 44 members are charged

Forty-four men aged 19 to 57 allegedly possessed child exploitation material
They allegedly shared the abuse material on a cloud as part of a paedophile ring
Sickening videos included girls as young as 18 months being raped and tortured
They had jobs in retail or as school secretaries which involved being around kids
A total of sixteen children across the country have been removed from harm
The men accused of being part of a suspected paedophile ring that abused 16 children hid their sickening crimes from bosses and colleagues as they worked in a range of blue collar jobs.
The 44 men aged 19 to 57 in every state except the Northern Territory allegedly shared child sexual abuse material using a 'a cloud storage' company. They have been arrested by the Australian Federal Police and face 350 charges.
Six children were removed from harm in Victoria, another six in South Australia, two in Queensland, one in New South Wales and one in the ACT.