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iPhone: A Three Trillion Dollar Military Grade Weapon Aimed At Your Head

In recent news, Israelis have been involved in yet another bloody massacre of civilians. This time in Lebanon utilizing a previously unknown level of military technology having the power to remotely "ignite" on command. This exceedingly high level of subversion used by the Israelis against their ideological enemies, Hezbollah, as initially reported by news outlets actually killed a multitude of civilians (3000 overall casualties last count) and the technology used targeted more than just beepers as initially reported.

The mega corporations whose majority shareholders, board members, and executes are primarily Zionists, which is the same ideological powerhouse that rules Israel and the United States. The megacorporations have placed hand-held devices in the hands of almost every American young and old.

We have much to reflect upon given the emergence of "Wokeness". This is a venomous movement created by a subversive ideology within our own government (Zionism) targeting what is characterized as "Whiteness". We have witnessed a societal shift against White males overall in America and our occupying government through its intelligence services has declared White males as the top domestic terror threat. Anti-White propaganda emanates from all sectors of society and institutions, including and most concernedly politicians, Mainstream Media, and the government itself.

Given the fact that the guiding ideology of the Israelis and U.S. government are identical, we as Americans are forced to reflect upon what would never before have been conceivable. That our own Zionist occupied government has already turned its focus on us and has the technology to inflict grievous wounds upon unsuspecting American citizens as it and/or its allies has inflicted upon civilians in the Mideast.

Enjoy the below videos.

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