"Local law enforcement is the last line of (civil) defense before the people themselves."
Watch as local law enforcement confronts a Federal (ATF) agent attempting to violate a citizen's gun "rights". A local resident called into emergency dispatch recently, stating someone was at his door "pretending to be a cop, wanting to see (his) guns". It was the ATF
a/k/a "The department that shoots dogs".
What is observed in this video has people across social media cheering for the local guys. Remember, local law enforcement is the last line of civil defense before the people themselves.
The general operating procedure(s) of Federal agencies alone underscore the fact that we are under occupation by a conglomerate hostile specifically to the founding stock of this country and the American people overall. Feds make no qualms about who they serve. In a word, the system.
What we are witnessing within the structures of the institutions of our nation is the result of generations upon generations of strategic infiltration. This nation has awakened to realize that every institution, every sector of society, media and information dissemination, political, cultural, even entertainment and of course Hollywood, has been subverted and/or was set up in the first place for subversive purposes.
This malignant influence has worked its way down the line to most every town, municipality, and borough with diversity training and policy designed to cuck strong White men anywhere and everywhere they may be found.
Look at what They have done to the military. It is one huge humiliation ritual at this point. "We have control now Goy. Here, stick this up your ass."
There are multitudes that still believe that this nation operates under the precepts proscribed by our Founding Fathers. You know, the "Fuck around and Find Out" declaration and enumeration of those things that were deemed "inalienable". Inalienable but not impenetrable. There are law enforcement officers that "believe" that they have taken an oath to protect the people and "believe" that they serve the people even as their own administrators hand down General Orders that violate the "civil rights" of the citizenry and their fellow officers through internal mechanisms.
Moreover, the sphere of influence (the various overbearing structures and institutions of society) deems the life of an officer expendable and not in the ordinary sense that as an officer come to accept. I'm talking about Dallas. Have you forgotten Dallas? I have not.
The flagrantly dismissive position that these powers-that-be took after inciting the targeted gunning down of multiple officers in a single event, that is who holds your oath. Then "They" turned around and sanctioned the "Defund the Police" campaign. These people are parasites and psychopaths. They hold your oath and are confident in their control over you.
Enumerated above, is why across the board exists a public not enthused (at minimum) with law enforcement, especially a militarization of police departments. Acknowledged. However, it will be those same federal agents happily hauling away local law enforcement officers as targets of their Anti-Terrorism (Anti-White Male) campaigns. The feds work for Zog, not for the people. So, when we have an opportunity to see local heroes in action, we love to see the underdog prevail.
The business model for law enforcement is predation upon the public. It's a fallacy that only non-Whites are like "oh, shit" when they see a cop. It's not because people are doing anything wrong. It's because people perceive the actual nature of governing bodies (the control apparatus) in this country. It is that same "apparatus" that hands down mandates in the form of "policy" to law enforcement in the first place that has a public largely not in favor of police. You can thank lawmakers for that. It is policy handed down by non-law enforcement interests. Agenda driven policy that officers are mandated to carry out and bear themselves.
As we move further down the timeline, law enforcement officers at local levels will be confronted with more and more such themes as these outstanding officers were.
At the end of the day, your oath is to the people, not this foreign occupation conglomerate and/or policy makers.
You are the last line of civil defense. Remember that. See 2nd video below on who holds your oath Law Enforcement.
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Here's who holds your oath:
'Combat Scholar'
"We have a SATANIC society, u poor, stupid puke, dumb, brainless scum, nothing more nor less, and this society (in literal "Decline of the West," as by Spengler) is FINISHED, the people DOOOOOOOOOOMED, u dumb scummy morons--and if u get death (and how could u not?), it will be what u deserve.
See, u stinking filth think "Satanism" is just some meaningless buzz-word as of mere "religion"--it's not, morons--it's perfectly real, EXTREME SUBJECTIVISM, reality considered product of mind/consciousness, the subject thus being God, the creator, and these satanic puke are at the top, in control, and u dumb scum don't even care, sooooo stupid and contemptuously ignoring of reality u puke really are. And Jews are FOREMOST Satanists, their leaders (at the very least) knowing full well what's really going on and happening--what their Satanism really is--a DEATH cult, suckers, nothing more nor less. For Jews are COLLECTIVISTIC (highly organized, motivated, "committed") subjectivists/Satanists whereas most of the goyim are more isolated, "individualistic" subjectivists/Satanists--scum led by even scummier, scummy puke.
And things don't seem to be bad enough for such stupid, scummy puke, evidently, as we see, played-out in front of our very eyes, every day now."