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No Situation Should Be Approached From An Emotional Standpoint

Updated: 3 hours ago

No situation in life should be addressed from an emotional standpoint first or foremost. Even some of the most mundane tasks like driving can be negatively impacted when someone is emotionally charged. If someone is trying to sell something to you that is harmful or not in your best interest they always do it by appealing to your emotion. This is also true for entire groups and societies. For example, after 9/11 everyone was emotionally charged because it was so violent and unexpected. It was easy to provide almost any explanation because people were confused and just wanted answers. It’s why men are naturally suited to run societies, because the male represents the rational whereas the female represents the emotional. It is natural and instinctual for men to want to protect and provide. Females tend to nurture which comes from a more emotional and empathetic place. This is why so many women are susceptible to social engineering and conformity to an extent that they will betray their own people. It’s better to come from the right first on social issues, because the right tends to be the more rational objective side of things. I know this from experience myself because I was always on the left growing up so when clownworld hit I had to be honest and admit that some of things I had come to believe were false. I always want to first hear the facts, see the data and find corroborating evidence from personal experiences, then apply a reasonable level of emotion when necessary afterwards.

- Anonymous Rob

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