1857 – MÁTYÁS FLÓRIÁN, linguist and a member of the Hungarian Academy of Science, who was in correspondence with OPPERT, stated: “I gained from Oppert the treasure of the words (Sumerian) and called his attention to the fact that they resembled the words of the ancient Hungarian language.”
1860 – JULES OPPERT emphasized the relationship of the Sumerian and Hungarian languages.
1860 – The German linguists and professors at the Congress of Kiel announced that the only correct name for Mesopotamia’s Turanian ancient populace was “Sumerian”.
1870 – ARCHIBALD SAYCE, Professor of Oriental Studies in Oxford, deciphered the first Sumerian one language text and gave a linguistic analysis of the language. He used comparative linguistics to study different branches of the language. In the course of his research, he examined the relationship of the languages of the entire Turanian language family with the Sumerian language. He found the closest relationship to Sumerian in the Hungarian and Basque languages. He went to Hungary to learn the Hungarian language and also found Hungarian to be the most useful language to read the Sumerian language.
1870 – FRANÇOIS C. LENORMAND, the amazingly talented French linguist, stated: “The Sumerian language, not only in its vocabulary but also in its structure, is a Turanian language.” It is obvious that his work was very thorough because he studied the Hungarian historical phonetic linguistics and he studied the Halotti Beszéd, the Legend of St. Margaret and the Bible of the Hungarian Hussites.
1873 – LENORMAND formulated the first Sumerian Grammar and also made a thorough comparative study of the grammar and vocabulary of the Ural-Altaic languages. By so doing, he proved the relationship between the Ural-Altaic languages and Sumerian.
1873 – EDOUARD SAYOUS, a French historian proved the linguistic comparisons of Lenormand. In 1869 and 1896, he was in Hungary and he learned Hungarian. In acknowledgement of his work, he was made a member of the Hungarian Kisfaludy Literary Guild.
1875 – FRANÇOIS C. LENORMAND strongly advocated that the language that discovered writing was most closely related to Hungarian. Therefore he traveled again to Hungary to learn the language more thoroughly. In his book “The Ancient Language of the Chaldeans and the Turanian Languages” from phonetics to the noun suffixes, almost entirely relying on the logic and pronunciation of the Hungarian language, he continued his research into the comparison between the Sumerian and the Turanian languages. He found that the Sumerian phonetic rules were based on the Hungarian.
1875 – HEINRICH GELZER, a Swiss linguist, in an article entitled: Das Ausland, stated that the Sumerian noun and verb suffixes were identical to those of the Turanian languages.
1875 – OSCAR PESCHEL, a German ethnographer, professor at the University of Leipzig, wrote: “The most ancient cuneiform writing was developed in the city of Ur, the so-called Sumerian-Akkadian writing. This ancient people was called Turanian.”
1876 – DOPHUS RUGE, a German scholar, in his work: Die Turanien in Chaldäe, stated: “Now, among the Turanian peoples, a people of first-class culture has appeared – the Sumerians.”
1879 – ZSÓFIA TORMA, archeologist and researcher, on the encouragement of Floris Rómer, in 1875, began archeological excavations on the banks of the Maros River in Tordos and its vicinity and found 10,387 artifacts with Sumerian characters. Among the 4,500 year-old ceramic shards, she found four with Szekler runic script. She suggested the possibility that the writings on the Tordos finds were connected to the Assyrian and Babylonian writings. She came to the conclusion that the ancient people of Babylon belonged to the Sumerian-Akkadian people who were a Turanian people.
1881 – ERNEST DE SARZEC, a French researcher, discovered LAGAS, the first Sumerian city. In his excavations he discovered 40,000 clay tablets with cuneiform characters.
1883 – Dr. ÁGOSTON HALÁSZ, Bishop of Kassa, in his study: Legújabb ősnyelv (The Newest Ancient Language) clearly follows the spread of human civilization from Sumer to Assyria, to the Hittite Empire and then to Greece. His conclusion was that the first pioneers in city dwelling were the Sumerians, who were identical to the Hungarians.
1887 – Dr. SÁNDOR GIESSWEIN, a canon and linguist, to prove the Sumerian-Hungarian relationship, used anthropological examples and a thorough comparative study of the grammar of the two languages.
1. He demonstrated the similarity between the flexional endings of the Sumerian personal pronouns and the Hungarian objective conjugation.
2. Both languages are agglutinative.
3. The prepositional endings and affixes, in Sumerian and in the Ural-Altaic languages are eroded nouns.
4. The connection between the Sumerian and Ural-Altaic languages is that the simple suffix can express the noun-relationship.
5. A common characteristic of these languages is the use of the possessive suffix, to which additional connected suffixes can be added.
6. Obviously, the close relationship of more possessive suffixes in the Sumerian and Hungarian languages can be observed.
1896 – Dr. K. A. HERMANN, Estonian researcher in the Russian Oriental Archeology Congress, in Riga, stated: “On the basis of linguistic conformity to rules and identity, my opinion is that the Sumerian language is related to the Ural-Altaic languages.”
1900 – Dr. GYULA FERENCZY, University professor, in his work: A szumirok nemzetiségi és nyelvi hovatartozása (Where the Sumerian People and Language Belong), he stated the following: “From the facts that we already know, there is no doubt that the Sumerians are an ancient branch of the Turanian people.”
1913 – JÁNOS GALGÓCZY, linguist, pointed out that both Hungarian and Sumerian possess the special subjective and objective conjugation.
1916 – Dr. ZSIGMOND VARGA spoke fourteen languages. In 1920, on the basis of his book Ötezer év távlatából (From a Distance of Five Thousand Years), the Hungarian Academy of Science acknowledged the relationship between the Sumerian and the Ural-Altaic languages.
1926 – JÓZSEF ACZÉL, linguist, in his book Szittya-görög eredetünk (Our Scythian-Greek Origins), stated: 1. “The Hungarian Grammar and three thousand root words are identical to the Hellenic Greek.” 2. “The Szekler and Scythian and ancient Hellenic scripts are identical.” 3. “Some of the words, when they are written, are surprisingly similar (read from right to left).”
It is a unique linguistic phenomenon that, in the whole world, apart from the classical Latin and Ancient Greek languages, only in Hungarian can poems be written in classical hexameter.
“In some of the Hungarian folk songs, the melody is so old that the Scythians may even have sung them accompanied by their ‘musikos.’”
1932 – EDGAR CLEMENT, German linguist, was so impressed by the musicality of the language that he learned Hungarian. According to him, the Hungarian language had a magical strength, which reflected a deep spirituality and only the highest ranking languages, especially the old classical languages could match up to it.
1939 – GÉZA BÁRCZY, member of the Hungarian Academy of Science, discovered the 5000 year-old Sumerian suffixes and proved that they were identical to the Hungarian suffixes.
1940 – Sir LEONARD WOOLLEY, English archeologist and linguist, excavated the Sumerian city, Ur of the Chaldees. He found 400,000 clay tablets, which were covered with linguistic material. He made a glossary and deciphered a large number of texts for the Institutum Biblicum in Rome, among them a six volume Sumerisches Lexicon, in which he deciphered 4,000 words.
1943 – BÁLINT HÓMAN, historian: “According to our present knowledge, the Sumerian language belongs to the Caucasian Japhet language family. In the future, when we analyze the ancient Hungarian words of Caucasian and unknown origin, we should not disregard the Sumerian and Huttite-Hurrite language remains.
1948 – RENÉ LABAT, Director of Studies at the École des Hautes-Études in Paris, developed a dictionary of Cuneiform signs that were numbered, for the use of his students.
1953 – ANTON DEIMEL S. J., Principal of the Institutum Biblicum in Rome and editor of the Sumerisches Lexicon, in the letter which he wrote to Dr. Ida Bobula, stated: “I have not the slightest qualm about accepting the Hungarian-Sumerian relationship.”
1962 – ÁRPÁD ORBÁN, researcher who followed the theory of probability introduced by Jószef Aczél, and developed the rules for the dating of the word relationships.
1963 – VIKTOR PADÁNYI, historian, in his book entitled Dentumagyaria, examined the Sumerian-Hungarian vocabulary and, on the basis of phonetics and meaning, stated: “The spirit of the Sumerian and Hungarian languages, their structure and grammar are almost identical and, by this same measure, they differ from other languages.”
1966 – JÁNOS HARMATTA, historian and academician, stated that, in 1961, N. Vlassa, an archeologist from Kolozsvár, discovered in Tatarlaka one round and one rectangular clay tablet, on which the signs could be easily deciphered with the help of Sumerian pictograms which they resembled.
1968 – ANDRÁS ZAKAR, linguist and researcher in cultural history, demonstrated the language development on the basis of dating methods, and showed that in the Hungarian language, after 5000 years, out of one hundred words, 63 words were Sumerian and 12 Akkadian. This shows not only relationship but also direct descent. The newest scientific methods prove that the Sumerian-Hungarian linguistic analyses are based on certain historical and archeological evidence.
1970 – IDA BOBULA, philosopher and historian, a researcher who spoke seven languages fluently, in her books Sumir rokonság (Sumerian Relationship) and A magyar nemzet eredete (The origin of the Hungarian People), and also in A 2000 magyar név sumir eredete (The Sumerian Origin of 2000 Hungarian Names) demonstrated that a majority of Hungarian names can be understood with the help of the Sumerian dictionary. In her analyses, she states that the returning Magyars brought with them a Scythian language, developed in Sumer.
1976 – ADORJÁN MAGYAR: “The majority of the European peoples learned to read and write only after they were converted to Christianity, while the Magyars lost their own runic script after their conversion because the Church regarded it as pagan.”
1976 – ELEMÉR NOVOTNY, linguistic researcher, in his book Sumir nyelv = Magyar nyelv, (Sumerian Language = Hungarian Language) published in Switzerland in 1976, convincingly proved that that a large part of the Sumerian vocabulary was identical to Hungarian. He presented the cuneiform tables of RENÉ LABAT, in which 13 Sumerian cuneiform signs could be understood and were identical to the Szekler runic script.
1976 – DÉNES OSETZKY, researcher and engineer, came to the conclusion that: “Inasmuch as the Sumerian language elements in the Hungarian language are the result of the connections between the two peoples, the initial influence could be only such a group which anthropologically belonged to the ethnic type of the Homecoming Magyars.
1976 – FERENC BADINY-JÓS, university professor, stated that the total number of cuneiform signs was approximately 4,800, but this did not include the words created from the cuneiform signs. He proved the Sumerian-Hungarian language identity with help of the 6000 year-old cuneiform tablets. He explained that the name of the Hungarians, HUN-GAR, just as the Asian name HUN, has been known for 5000 years and the name of the MAH-GAR people is now known as Sumerian.
1977 – SÁNDOR CSŐKE, linguist, according to his final conclusions about the Hungarian language:
a) It is an original ancient language. b) Its structure is entirely Hungarian. c) Its vocabulary is 95% Hungarian.
1977 – KÁLMÁN GOSZTONYI, professor at the St. Michael’s College in Paris, with the financial support of the French government, published his book: Összehasonlító szumir nyelvtan, (Comparative Sumerian Grammar) and stated that from 53 Sumerian grammatical characteristics, 51 are identical to the Hungarian, for example: a) The adjective is singular, the noun is plural e.g. jó emberek b) The interrogative pronouns and numerals can have a possessive suffix. E.g. Mi-d van? Az én tíz-em. c) Nouns may be in singular or plural. E.g. kéz, kezek. Juh, juhok. d) The same word can indicate both genders. E.g. ember, gyermek, testvér e) An independent verb can create a sentence by itself. E.g. Fáj.
Besides the grammar, he presented, from the collection of cuneiform signs of Labat, Árpád Orbán’s new methods of dating and, with this, he examined 93 Sumerian words. 1980 – BÉLA OLÁH, an independent researcher, in his book: Édes magyar nyelvünk szumir eredete, (The Sumerian Origin of our Sweet Hungarian Language) states the following identities:
1. The Hungarian vowels and consonants are completely identical to the Sumerian. 2. Vowel harmony is present in both languages. 3. Words may not begin with two consonants. 4. Both languages are agglutinative. 5. They do not distinguish gender. 6. The Hungarian verbal suffixes are more developed than the Sumerian.
1988 – SÁNDOR FORRAI, professor and expert in scripts, in the collection of ceramic shards in the Museum of Kolozsvár, in which Zsófia Torma recognized four Szekler runic characters, found eight more and stated that, in Tatarlaka, N. Vlassa in 1961, excavated a round clay amulet, on which there were four segments containing script. Among the 10 characters, six of them were clearly recognizable as Magyar runic script and two more show a close resemblance. He traces the origin of the Magyar runic script to the writings found in Mesopotamia, which are 3,500 years old. It is not accidental that the linear script, developed from the pictographs, remained in the Hungarian script as runic script and has survived to the present, in spite of the fact that, in the course of a thousand years, from the 34 runic letters, the Hungarians had to adapt to the 24 Latin letters, which made it very difficult to express the double consonants.
1989 – ISTVÁN ERDÉLYI, archeologist, in his book, Sumir rokonság (Sumerian Relationship), writes: “Among the Faculties of the Hungarian Universities, there should be a chair for Assyriology, which should also encompass Sumerology.”
1990 – JÁNOS MAKKAY, archeologist, in his study, A tartariai leletek (The Tartarian Finds) states that the attempts to understand and decipher the Sumerian words themselves verify the Jamdet Nasr connections.
Of the 56 particularities of the Sumerian grammar, 53 figure in the Magyar Language. Researchers at Université Paris-Sorbonne have concluded that, of today’s world languages, Magyar is the only language that has kept 68% of its ancient etymons, that is, the original elements of humanity’s primeval language. For comparison, it should be mentioned that this retention is:
o 4% in the English Language; o 5% in Latin; o 12% in Tibetan; o 26% in Ancient Turkish.
The Magyar Language can be called the primeval language. This is why Magyar words are found in every language of the world. But we did not borrow these words: Rather, since ours is Mankind’s most ancient language, it is clear that every other language became an heir to this inheritance.