I am an Investigative Researcher examining the Leftist Authoritarian Apparatus, focusing on ground level anarcho-communism/Leftism, its roots and rise up through Liberal politics, the death of true Conservativism, the reshaping of the American socio-cultural landscape, the role of corporations in governance and social conditioning, NGO's, independent financiers, lobbyists, Ritual Occultism, Occult Symbolism, Mass Ritualism, Child Trafficking and ritual torture, sex and drug trafficking industry, in short the Globalist Syndicate and the multitude of institutions stifling humanity and how they all tie together in the take over of Western Civilization. I cover subjects that I understand may make people uneasy. However, they are sourced and taken from the proverbial 'horse's mouth'. Whether people want to know the ugly truth or not, it affects our lives. We have been set on a course and the timeline is moving faster than people have been able to keep up with thus far.
In an environment hostile to dissent where merely disagreeing evokes violence and draconian censorship, Leftists and self-professed anarcho-communists and "Marxists" are burning down our cities and warring to reshape our culture. Leftist ground troops like Antifa and Black Lives Matter ("Black Antifa") have made communion with the mainstream media, Democrat politicians, corporations and every institution of society. As we move forward, we have seen that the "Left" hides their true nature/intentions less and less as they incrementally gain power via manufactured and actual consensus.
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The Left has been campaigning as they themselves have asserted for many years to "End Whiteness". Yes, that means White (European descent) people specifically but it also means any individual or group that doesn't fall in line with the Left's brand of madness. This's key. It's all fun and games until people realize, we're all "White" who want to live free [from their intrusions]. That's a concept designed to escape the masses in this country.
If you did not understand Charlottesville back in 2017, things must be coming into perspective for you now regarding the true nature of the Charlottesville event. It was and has always been a war against communism, Globalism, Leftism, self-fashioned anarcho-communists, and "Marxists" (like Antifa, BLM, SJW's), Leftist pedophilia culture and sexual deviancy, and the campaign to "End Whiteness" and destroy Western Civilization.
But you have to understand what this actually means ["End Whiteness"]. It ultimately means complete subjugation of the masses ruled by an occult driven elite. A multi-generational power cult. Hi-Tech wizards. Masters of industry. Corporate heads.
Individual rights is the cornerstone of the "Whiteness" this element is warring to destroy because it is the diametric opposite of their vision. While the American cultural and political landscape has changed abruptly and suddenly for so many, these Leftist elements have been around for ages. None of this is new. It's just new to you.
Nonetheless, Charlottesville was a turning point in the Culture Wars and not only elevated this existential battle but revealed the America-hating apparatus at work. In a nutshell, Charlottesville was the first stand for all manner of freedom loving, "right" leaning individuals. The event was called Unite The Right after all.
Right leaning refers to those who ideologically fall to the right of Marxism, Leftism, Communism.
Charlottesville was the last stand for true men of conviction. It was the largest showing up to that point of right leaning warriors taking to battle against the scourge of Leftist ideology. Make no mistake. You must be a warrior because as those men with tiki torches were shining a light on all those years ago, Leftists do indeed want to replace you and thereby destroy Western Civilization. They want to eradicate White people. You must come to terms with this fact. There will be no Western Civilization as you know it without White people. That is a simple fact. Face it.
All those years ago such a thing was unfathomable to the American public at large and Americans were easily manipulated by the mainstream media who never let an opportunity to deceive the public pass them up. Now the Left doesn't have to hide their intentions and they openly war on "White" (European descent) people as well as any individual that speaks out against Leftist dogma. All the sudden you're white too. Anti-White hate (and Anti-Semitism for that matter) is the new State dogma now.
It is highly concerning that the beloved of so many hopeful individuals, Donald Trump, signed an Anti-Semitism Bill just before leaving office at the end of his presidency. The parting gift of DJT was a solid kick in the balls of the American people. When you take a step back and look at the big picture, you have ask yourself why would this champion of the people who have been so devoted to him, do such a thing that so aptly plays into the hands of those who you must by now know are your enemy? I have no qualms about referring to them as enemies. They are enemies of humanity. Anti-Semitism will be used to cull the White population. Specifically, White men and by extension all of us since the battle lines have been drawn.
While current events represent a wake up call for many, for others it still requires coming up to speed since they are clinging to a past long gone. They no longer live in reality.
The Left states foregone conclusions as if they're facts to build a general consensus about what they're making every effort to bring about. The Biden video where he chats with "Black" leaders about White people in the U.S. becoming a minority even providing an effective date of 2040 for this calamity is a prime example of this standard operating procedure (S.O.P.). In that video, Biden also telegraphed who the next group to be targeted will be. Hispanics and Latinos. Another group of European derivative by and large. Pay attention Hispanics and Latinos. You're next. They'll deal with White Asians the same as White Europeans clumping them with us. Welcome guys.
Another reason the Left is working on Anti-Asian Hate Crime Baalshit is to pull that demographic to them and against White people because we in the opposition to the Left want every Asian person to be Roof Top Korean. That's a major threat to the Left.
Remember, what we are witnessing is a long thought out and planned Globalist agenda. A plot. If you do not know what Agenda 21 is or Agenda 2030 you have to get work. Here's the low down in video links. UNSUSTAINABLE: The UN's Agenda For World Domination, Part 1 (debarelli.com) and UNSUSTAINABLE: The UN's Agenda for World Domination, Part II - "The Reality" (debarelli.com). However, if you do not take the time to watch/listen to the video that you can listen to while doing other things, I doubt you're gonna read the voluminous documents these insidious institutions (United Nations specifically) have issued.
Agenda 21 was put out by the United Nation in 2012. How interesting. The world was supposed to experience an apocalypse if you recall. One of many haha. But we did experience an apocalypse, the wheels were set in motion. Don't look up the word apocalypse. The U.N. has somewhat recently removed the voluminous Agenda 21 document from their website by the way but they're implementing it nonetheless having removed the document itself. Covid is/was part of Agenda 21.
Let's talk about consent for a moment. These psychopaths work by rules. The cornerstone Rule is that they have to tell you what they are doing. But they are cunning in their extraction of consent. They rely on what in the legal field we refer to as 'implied consent'. Pretty much implied consent means 'you should have known'. But you don't even know what to look for. It's all around you and you've never so much as noticed it. How then can you consent? It's the same concept as a 'shrink wrap agreement' which is unfair again because it relies on what you 'should have known'. It is illogical and unreasonable. Textbook Baalshit.
So, for instance, I buy a product and by removing the plastic wrap encasing the product I have now entered into an agreement with the corporation that sold it to me. Bullshit I did. Rosetta Stone does this. By removing the shrink wrap to open the box of the product you have in that instant unwittingly entered into a binding legal agreement with the Rosetta Stone Corporation that restricts you from reselling the product. It doesn't just restrict you from selling it and making a profit. You cannot give it away either. What kind of Baalshit is this? You are held legally liable if you resell the product or even give it to another individual under threat of litigation. Basically, Rosetta Stone will sue you for breach of contract. Our legal system is a joke. It is Baalshit. M'kay?
If you've ever heard of the reasonable man standard. This is a backbone of law and the standard used most often by these occultists as well. "Reasonable" is a joke especially in 2021 because the world has gone crazy and reality is being purposefully distorted. Besides, as far as standards go they are continually moving the goalpost.
Remember, the rulers of this world are multigenerational occultists. When I say above that Covid was a part of Agenda 21, what we saw this year was essentially ramming Agenda 21 through. There were 3 components to the ritual exercise in 2020, 1) Covid "Fear Pandemic", 2) Racial Unrest/Rioting, and 3) The Take Over. What you may know as the Election theft. Each leg of the ritual came at key times of the year in line with occult "holidays" and/or significant astronomical events like solstices, equinoxes when these important calendar events occur. Check it out. Covid is the maiden. Racial Unrest was the mother. The Take Over/Election farce was the crone. We're dealing with things everyday people do not understand. When you plan a mass ritual of this magnitude much like any other such craft, it gains steam as it progresses. By the time it flourishes to the "Crone" stage, it's unstoppable. There's nothing you could have done. They controlled too much of the energy at that point. Energy being people.
Everything we've seen in 2020 was taken right out of that Agenda 21 document. Now we're into the next leg of the scheme 2030. Remember, these are some wicked individuals, queer satanic commies hell bent on their androgynous vision of the future. The Age of Androgyny. Think Baphomet.
When I say queer or faggot I am specifically referring to Marxist and their Baalshit. Not gay people in general.
However, it is important to note that the civil rights movement was a complete farce, if you haven't sensed that already. All civil rights is Baalshit. All of it is farcical. The only 'rights' that matter are those things that you are willing to fight and die for. Nothing else. The idea of 'rights' is laughable. "They" know that most people are soft and fall for that dumbshit. Muh rights. Again, your rights only extend to what you are willing to put yourself on the line for.
As an aside, I grew up in a City that was only known for being No. 1 for murder. You hear people say "might makes right". That's not a lie. It's nature. Suburbs are not serious places. Not the reality of life but an anomaly.
I grew up in harsh reality where you have to have your wits about you at all times and everybody knows how to fight, especially every man. A man must be able to handle himself. Now whether he decides to fight or not, he must be able. You have to know how to fight because you are going to have to fight. That time is here now.
We saw all these White people getting pushed around by BLM cult members. It was pathetic and utterly saddening. Now they're attacking Asians and trying to blame it on White people and perform mental gymnastics to get stupid people to 'believe' it's White supremacy. They have these young black thugs up in arms hating white people and hating asian people and thinking they can just fuck with White and Asian people. No es bueno guys.
Develop situational awareness. Start doing your proverbial push-ups. Learn some combatives. You are not gonna be left alone. Don't be a victim just because they want you to be victimized. You have to develop the attitude that if you fuck with me you're gonna get fucked up. You're an American and guess what? We're fighters. Always stand tall and strong but always be smart. That trumps everything else. Start walking around like you own the place, because you do. This OUR country. They have forfeited their rights to call themselves Americans by working to destroy her.
Also, where I grew up a person's word is all they have. Your word is your bond. If I say something, you can take it to the bank (not a Central Bank though. Those guys are assholes and the root of our problems. Get rid of them and usury and you'll have none of these problems). If I've chosen to speak up or defend someone or something, I am literally willing to fight for it and I know what I can do. Fighting is a naturally viable option. I wish they'd bring back dueling or at least 'fair ones'. I would love to imbue onto you all an indomitable spirit because it's not gonna be Spring time flowers much longer my people.
The Left has begun their campaign to purge the country of it's "Whiteness". By "Whiteness" they mean everything in opposition to their stated mission. There's a long list, private property, individualism, ideas of meritocracy, the traditional family unit, values, religion, objective morality, etc. In a nutshell, your American way of life . . . and you yourself Western man. All the sudden everybody's White. Keep trying to tell you guys, they're slick. Wise up. "Anti-Whiteness" doesn't mean somebody else. Nobody is gonna be safe. History has taught us the error of that mentality and the Leftists continue to move the goalpost and exploit our misconceptions.
Additionally, the polarities Black/White are set for occult purposes. As above, so below. Not what people believe. I would get that word out of my vernacular in any event. Believe. Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see. Perceive with your mind. Question everything. The fact that we identify as Black or White is troubling. I only use these terms because we are operating in fields not designed by us. We don't make the rules. But I'm not white. I'm not a color. A hue. I am a European descent individual with the line of my ancestors pulsing through my very being and a genetic wisdom culminating throughout the ages to bring me to where I stand today in a state of ready.
The fact of the matter when we discuss politics is that the days of the Democrats being what we refer to as "Kennedy Democrats" have long since passed. If you still believe that Joe Biden is a moderate politician styled after that Kennedy legacy, you are out your mind and easily led. We cannot help you. Never waste an ounce of energy convincing anyone of ANYTHING. Do not proselytize. Just live by example. The Democrats have made a deal with the devil (Globalism) and have now become that devil. What we hear coming out of the mouth of a "president elect" Biden is Leftist ideology. That's how I know who and what he is but more importantly who he's in league with (very big players). He has sold his soul if he ever had one and the destiny of Western Civilization. Leftists and Globalists hate White (European descent) individuals in particular because you are the embodiment of everything that they are diametrically opposed to (individualism, free thinking, meritocracy, you are builders and creators) and you represent their only resistance. Pay no attention to the fact that most of them seem to be of White, European descent. It's a mindfuck but the origins of these venomous ideologies is not what you may believe.
Everything runs downstream of the occult and always leads back to the Talmud. Every. Single. Time.
While the entire (Overton) window has shifted Left, it has become necessary to point out the obvious to far too many folks. No. 1 - THERE IS NO RIGHT WING. The so-called Far Right is whomever the Leftists dictate. That list changes and grows by the day. If you disagree, you're a Right Wing Extremist, A Nazi, A White Supremacist, Racist, etc.
The Left labels individuals variously. Concepts to invoke phantoms of the past. They play word games. They say that regular people that oppose Leftists and Leftism and any of their Baalshit are fascists and Anti-Semites (watch out for that). The opposite of their position is fascism. Fine. I don't have a problem with that because these types of labels ARE fluid. At the end of the day, whatever terms, labels, or words are used are irrelevant when the fundamental idea conveyed remains the same. That is the fact that there is opposition. Getting caught up on labels no es bueno. You can call me a fascist. You can call me a Nazi. A white supremacist. Anti-Semite. You can call me anything you want. At the end of the day, the fact remains the same.
I am the opposition.
No. 2 - Democrats have slid dangerously Left, they are Leftists. That means neo-Bolshevik mindsets. Marcusian. They are no longer Kennedy Democrats. They are guided by Democratic Socialists (Commies), Corporate occultists, Legacy Media, etc. All the bad actors.
No. 3 - Every time they accuse someone or a group of being "Far Right", "White Nationalist", "White Supremacist" or "Right Wing", Racist, Bigots, etc. know that that person is a potential ally. Because that is the Leftists M.O. They label and brand, indiscriminately, in order that there be something to point at. They know the effect it has on the accused and observers especially. They can tell you all they want that there's a boogeyman out there but if they can point to someone and say to you 'look there's the boogeyman', so far you've believed it.
I fought for years against anarcho-communists, all manner of Leftists, Marxists, SPLC, and Black Lives Matter. I'm one of the lying SPLC's poster girls and I am proud of that fact because I got their fuckin number. They are frauds on a good day. These anarcho-communists could never understand who I am. All I can say is that they're gonna wish we were Nazis. Even Hitler offered reprieve.
A group of very good people got together to fight these hateful Leftists, once upon a time back when all you guys didn't even know blood was being spilled. We held Liberty events, first amendment events. All of our liberties hinge on the concept of the first amendment. We were labeled Nazis and white supremacists, or guilty by association, but we persisted even as our numbers dwindled. Got down to the point where there was just a handful of us. But we are lions. These good Liberty-minded people were targeted by hordes of anonymous Leftists and labeled Nazis, White Supremacists, etc. and then ostracized by their communities because their employers and landlords, and families were hounded by these anonymous hordes of Leftists whose goal it is to ruin lives; but also to create the opposition. People lost their jobs, homes, family members, friends. They were completely isolated. The Left loves to do that to people.
That didn't make me want to stop. What made me stop was realizing that the Leftists were using our own momentum against us to build their movement. It spread like wild-fire within two years. We were dealing with something that none of us had ever experienced. The only way to stop this scourge is to deny them the reactions that they seek. It all comes down to energy and they want yours. Be stingy with it. Be stoic. Give them no reaction as attention whores.
Also, the original Proud Boys is legit. When nobody else could or would those guys did. That's before their diversity quota that lead them to be infiltrated by the Feds which's when they started organizing fights with Antifa. Moral of the story is becoming the Left is not the way to fight the Left.
A loose rule is, if the Leftist Apparatus is calling somebody a Nazi or a white supremacist or accuse that person or group of Anti-Semitism - especially, then I know that individual must really be giving them a hard time or is shining a light on something that the Left does NOT want you to know, and is therefore an ally. This's how you're gonna know who's who. Who is friend. Who is foe.
While people may support Leftist policies and propaganda and identity politics, you gotta understand that giving in is never a feasible option. They will always want more. They have no mercy for any character of opposition or dissent and they keep tightening the noose of acceptable speech and behavior so that they will control all behavior and all speech. You can't give them anything. The world will become a Pale of Settlement where there is a law for every aspect of your life and now the culture police have arrived. Rabbinical governance. There's nothing new under the sun. If you do not know what I am referring to, I suggest you look into Noahide Laws. Before you call someone an Anti-Semite or a bigot, know why they are fighting these phantoms.
At the same time, when you hear people spouting Leftist bullshit even though they say they're something else, get away from them. They're no good and could get you hurt. Also, lots of Leftists like to pose as "Right Wingers" and they always go way over the top. They're larpers (Live Action Role Play). It's like a game to them. Just don't play. Give them a nice white smile and walk away.
Don't be fooled by anything you hear on the News or on that Tell-A-Vision. It's hi-tech wizardy. I shit you not.
No. 4 - Conservatives don't conserve shit and certainly not values. They are controlled opposition. However, the constituents are widely comprised of the old Kennedy-minded Democrats. All the classically minded liberals migrated to the right. The Conservatives of old are no more thanks (or not) to Donald Trump. Today's Conservativism is actually something else altogether. Trumpism perhaps. For example, you would never find an LGBT wing or section of the Conservative Party of old. Conservatives in the Trump era are Liberals and are ushering in the same destructive policies that we desperately need to avoid. There is no true Right Wing sadly.
Neither political party is for the people. The Democrats are racing toward globalism/subjugation, while Republican are slow walking it. They work together. It's a basic fact. If you weren't so caught up in all the drama, you would've noticed.
There once were two merchants with shops side by side. They were bitter enemies. They competed ruthlessly and fought like cats and dogs out in the street in front of their shops for all to see. These competing merchants were famed for their mutual enmity. A time finally arrived when one of the merchants having grown old, passed away. While going through the shops, the family was astonished to find a door in hidden in the back of building that it lead to the stores of these bitter enemies. All of those years it was a charade devised to take advantage of the community and bilk them of their hard earned money. It was a ruse. Just like politics. They were actually working together the entire time.
Now that's not to say I'm a fan of Libertarianism or even recognize Independents. You only believe you're Independent. You're probably a stooge for Leftists.
That the best story to depict Democrats and Republicans. You know, before the Leftists infiltrated the Democrat party and every other party btw. Now the Republicans are split. You have rhinos in league with the Left and any that are good are ineffective. They don't know what to do. Sunday school teachers are ill-equipped to succeed against hardened criminals. If they're not gonna fight, they have no business being there. The days of politicians making a career out of bilking tax payers must end. We can't vote our way out of this.
Many Democrats and Centrists, probably your very own neighbors, have not caught on to these facts yet. Rest assured that the timeline does not wait for anyone to play catch up. Things are moving along rapidly. It is easy to fool individuals stuck in a quagmire of idealist politics and culture, whose views of America have not been directly touched by Leftism or racial violence for that matter.
Nonetheless, for Conservatives to admonish their Democrat neighbors as "Commies" is not only utterly unhelpful, it plays into the greater dynamic that molds consensus and solidifies the political polarity/extremes. Remember that anyone who is to the Right of "Marxist" deviancy is your ally and that our overlords always create polarities. It's always this or that. Black vs. White, Democrat vs. Republican, Israel vs. Palestinians. Blah, Blah. Btw, I'm not Israeli so why should I give a fuck about Israel? Our fates are not intertwined. Why are we paying tribute to Israel to the tune of 4 billion a year? Are we not the 'super power'? The U.S. is a corporation. U.S.A., Inc. beholden to Israel and the master who owns it.
No. 5 The us vs. them polarity is not Right vs. Left. Again, there is NO Right wing only those who oppose the Left are demonized as Far Right or Right Wing. Welcome to the club. There is only Leftist Authoritarianism in its many forms vs. every free man and woman. Meaning, every American, every individual whose views fall to the right of Marxism, to the Right of Leftism, who can escape the confines of Leftist collectivist hive thinking, that is your ally in the fight against the Leftist Authoritarian scourge that is bearing down on you and their intent to unravel and destroy Western Civilization.
The Leftists have told you that they are fighting to End Whiteness. That is in their own words. Google it.
By Ending Whiteness they mean they want to eradicate White people and the entirety of Western/White civilization and all of the ideas, traditions, and social structures that go along with that because all of these things stand in the way of a singular world government, Globalism/subjugation of the masses under one flag. All the systems are already in place. Sorry to inform you. The backbone of any viable nation is the family unit. It really is that simple. The nation is the people. Not the government. Destroy the family and you destroy Western Civilization.
In every Western country worldwide, the same thing is occurring, which's the deconstruction of white societies. Doesn't matter where you look. In South Africa they used [Black] Communism to destroy a wealthy nation and spiral it into demise and then promote and permit the systematic murder of white farmers. This is happening in our life times and they want you to believe that it is a conspiracy theory because we are on our way to becoming South Africa (if they have their way).
Unfortunately, this has already begun in the U.S. where "whites" are routinely killed at exponential rates by "blacks" every year under the heading of "Progress" and while it is allowed to continue. Review the data. These Leftist elements have worked to create violent individuals void of conscience. Golems. That they cannot control. The fact of the matter is that they've engineered masses of violent, impulse based individuals to use against whites and the kicker is that those same mindless, violent people see Leftist Jews as white. Oh what a web we weave.
In Zimbabwe, they targeted the white farmers too. They persecuted them. They banished the White Farmers and drove them out. These once white countries continually bite off their noses despite their faces when black leadership takes over with no concept of the future ramifications of their actions as if they have no foresight and then suffer the humiliation of their own actions because they are incapable of surviving without our assistance or administration. They are full of hate and therefore inherently WRONG. Hate is always WRONG. Until their own people were starving Mugabe finally beckoned White men back and paid them to farm. People starved to death because they were racist against the White farmers. You get what you fuckin deserve.
Take a good look at England. Whatever happens to the White/European population there will be your fate. In fact, you can look at any of our sister countries and know the fate of your children. In Britain, the white citizens are targeted as inherently racist for wanting to preserve their own culture and have a true break from the Communist EU [Brexit]. Many are jailed for fighting the scourge of Leftism. The White indigenous population is denied economic opportunity via "woke" politics and social policies but moreover it is most fair to state that their abilities to thrive in their home country is actively stifled. They are hated by their ruling class and systematically being replaced. Do you know who the ruling class is? It is They. The Talmudics.
The White children are and have been specifically targeted and predated upon by migrant rape gangs for decades and that fact was actively covered up by the government. They purposefully and deliberately smeared good citizens for speaking out. The abuses against white British women in that country are startling but not at all different from what you see happening across Europe at the hands of migrants.
In UK, their own government via the adoption system funnels children into trafficking networks. You can look back decades and hear or read the personal stories of adoption services victims that have told the 'authorities' about Satanic pedophilia networks. They have been systematically shunned. So, you have third world minority rape gangs running rampant, the streets taken over neighborhood by neighborhood and then whole communities run over by Third World immigrants, you have child trafficking, satanic cults, these evil Fabians, secret societies, and frankly a foreign ruling class that took over around 500 years ago that controls the destiny/fate of the native white population and are hostile toward them. Whatever happens to the people of Britain will be our fate.
As an aside, the Queen of England and her house is illegitimate.
In Australia, they are dealing with Sudanese street gangs. Unbelievable. Not to mention that China is exporting their population all over the world and stifling Australian manufacturing in particular. There are no-go zones all across Europe. In Germany, on NYE there was a mass rape event against native German women by hordes of migrants where hundreds of German women were specifically targeted and assaulted. Do you know what the government's response was? It was to turn a blind eye because they intend to erase Europeans by breeding them out and killing them off. They hate Anglo-Saxon people in particular.
You are not permitted to live in peace in "white" countries and this is just the beginning. In every country in Western Civilization the same thing is occurring, an unraveling of the nation. It is deliberate. We are all in the same predicament as citizens of Western Civilization no matter what your background is because if you are a productive, free thinking individual you will find yourself at odds with Globalism which is responsible for the aforementioned.
You can cry a tear for minorities all you want even as minority yourself. The reality is that when White/European descent people become a minority in this country, they will not receive the same treatment, neither will you, and that is by design. Besides, it is your very existence as a white individual that makes it possible for so many to enjoy a better life. Millions have received the hospitality of America and now they call you white supremacists and racists. This's the thanks you get. No good deed goes unpunished.
As the majority group in Western countries, white people are already being openly targeted. Pay attention to what this Biden administration and the media (lackeys for the power elite) are saying. They're hostile to White Americans. Just turn on your tell-A-vision and watch a few ads. It's rare to see an intact white family. You give energy toward your own demise and/or consent to it by doing nothing. You still possess the power to make things right and secure a safe future for America, including and especially white children. Teach your children well. This is about self-determination. If we win self-determination for ourselves, we win it for everyone.
The mechanism by which you are being targeted lies in the "fear/hate" manipulation that Leftists have timelessly utilized to pit groups against one another. That is the tool they use to signify that something is off limits. When they do that, go and research whatever or whomever they are trying to censor or persecute.
How will you know who the culprits are? By their actions. You cannot distinguish any other way and if you try to it will backfire and you'll get nowhere. If you want to see who the players are, pay attention to who is screaming hate against white people, who's looking to censor anyone, who's being targeted, who's being canceled, etc.
Even as it pertains to race relations the M.O. can be observed.
In the West, the Leftist Apparatus creates violent, aggressive, hateful, impoverished and/or silver spooned minority classes and masses of individuals over generations that via manufactured Anti-White hate culture coupled with amplified minority group preference set the stage for further calamity. The Left tells identity groups what it is to be them. They peddle in identity. Rather than let you live in peace they have you caught up in working to be what they have designated for you to be. Get off the hamster wheel. They do this through their pushing of Marxist interpretations or rather perversions of existing cultural norms.
For instance, being homosexual means x y and z and translated by Marxism/Marcusianism is always perverse, debauched, and requires particular affects. As if you have to be flamboyant to be homosexual. Sounds gay. Same is true for Black people. You're not Black unless x y and z. You're not black unless you talk black, act black, etc. Who's deciding these things? Not your group. Take a look back a few decade and look at what was actually stolen from you as a people.
When a member of a minority groups deviates from the script or fails to see White People as the cause of their perceived misfortunes they're treated with the same hatefulness that white people are treated with evidencing that it really comes down to ideology. The Left doesn't actually care about minorities other than harnessing their energies toward destructive ends. We call such individuals manipulated by Leftists 'Useful Idiots'. Useful Idiots of all races are controlled by the Left.
Also, I'm not sure how to reason with people that actually believe they're being harvested for their melanin. That's the absolute hilt of ethnocentrism.
In the course of all this fear and hatred minorities never explore White/European history sufficiently to get to the root of what is happening - even to them. They get stuck in the cultural frame created for them. If you have an individual that does break through and starts asking the right questions, welp, they're labeled and targeted and publicly humiliated. We have such short memories but it keeps happening over and over. Most recently to Deshawn Jackson, Nick Cannon, etc.
Joe Biden openly talked about how you're gonna be put back in chains and you clapped. Wtf. Your culture was hijacked decades ago and is now designed to so immerse you and turn you against others that you never seek the necessary knowledge to get out of your bind and only see yourselves in comparison to others. You're only empowered to the extent that they allow you to be. That's not freedom.
Also, to call a Black community segregated once upon a time is peculiar. All immigrants to this country had their own neighborhoods even in my life time where I grew up we had Polish, German, Italian, Irish, Jewish, Black, etc. Htf are they gonna cherry pick the Black community and say for all intents and purposes you can't have your own communities because it's oppression. Wtf. They would not leave people alone to live in their own communities instead the State determined that Black not have the communities that they did and that Blacks have to be spread out and assimilated into other people's communities that are living peacefully as you were. It has worked. You are not allowed to build your own futures and have self-determination. Unless it's an impoverished urban hell.
I'll add more to this later but if you know your history you know I'll be invoking the great Malcolm X. You gotta ask yourself why is there a federal holiday for Martin Luther King, Jr. (a made up name btw) and not for Malcolm X. What is it that he wanted for the black community? Self-determination guys. We'll discuss this later. For now, start with Professor Tony Martin. If you are not willing to put in the hard work, then you get what you fuckin deserve. Just like the rest of us.
Listen, modernity creates rootless people longing for non-existent roots. That is by design and has occurred the world over for millennia to countless peoples. There is nothing special about us. We are just in the way. When we are no longer equipped to resist, we get lined up against the wall just like everyone else we allowed our energies to be used to line up.
The Left talks a lot about sustainability. So, I want to touch on this.
By 'sustainability', they mean depopulation. Depopulation is The Green New Deal's punchline. Think Agenda 21. Sustainability deals with managing human "overpopulation". Watch the documentary that Michael Moore released that was so highly acclaimed by the Left and the so-called "Right". The underlying theme is that no Green Energy initiatives are working or will work because the problem is us. There are too many humans. These people are Anti-Human and they want to thin out our numbers and have population zones. Those zones are already in place by the way. This last election was a referendum on - The Green New Deal aka U.N. Agenda 21/2030. These people are diabolical. At the world economic forum Klaus Schwaab came right out and told you, "You will own nothing and be happy". That's the Globalist plan. No joke. "They" have proven to be smarter than any of us. They have been at this a very long time. They are a multigenerational, occult driven elite. Gnostics. Talmudics.
It starts with white people but will not end there. Take seriously this threat. While the Left has started with "white" people, they will not stop there. They intend to label and then target the "whiteness" in every individual and every group in every facet of society and purge it. They consistently tell you what they are going to do and follow through every time. They are effective. Therefore I urge White/European descent people to take a stand now as a cohesive group. Say no. Never back down. The blood of revolutionaries runs through your veins after all and nobody else's.
Besides, you are the majority group. If you can't take on this ominous specter of Leftist Authoritarianism nobody else will be able to and that includes generations in the future. All America loving patriots will back you but it has to start with you. When you fight for yourselves every decent American wins.
The Hate Laws, affirmative action, and any "special treatment" rights that have been afforded to certain groups but not others, may make smallminded and shortsighted individuals feel better in the short run, but it's not designed for your benefit. These people play the long game. This is just a way to manipulate and divide groups and target the White population.
Ultimately, these laws are self-defeating for the very individuals they purport to help. You're in the grips of an abuser, that's the mentality. It's the same psychological model. So, when you cheer because an individual has been silenced over these devious concepts of Hate Speech, Anti-Semitism, speaking against "your group" or your position or for engaging in what they like to tell you is racism but is actually in-group preference, know that you are being manipulated. That "white supremacist", "racist", or "anti-Semite" is someone not "down" with the Leftist or Globalist program of subjugation.
We all want to be free.
They want you to believe that in-group preference is racism and then in turn that this idea of racism equates to violence against those not in that racial group. This is what is conveyed by this word racist. It invokes ideas of violence. This is a falsity and crafted baalshit and only whites are persecuted by it. Only whites are not permitted to exercise in-group preference or enjoy the right to freedom of association.
Don't be afraid when you are accused of being a bigot, racist, white supremacist, Anti-semite, etc. Be racists together. Never ever by any means defend against being a racist or anything they accuse you of, Nazi, Supremacist, etc. It's instant defeat to take a defensive position. I cannot emphasize this enough, you're all white now. That's the corner you've been pushed into so embrace it. So, if you're a black guy, white guy, asian guy, hispanic guy, latino guy and for the first time in your life they're calling you a white supremacist, Nazi, or Bigot and you're thinking, "Wtf?" Waste no time. Look them right in the face and say, "M'kay?" "Yeah, so what?" or if you choose "That's right muthafucka. I'm a bigot." Remember, the Left wants you to squirm and by defending yourself against these attacks that's exactly what you're doing. Please don't do it. Be strong.
It's key to note that this mind-fuck/gymnastics regarding racism only applies to White/European descent people. Meanwhile, the power apparatus actively propagates and promotes actual racial violence against Whites. There are distinct rules depending on your skin color. Listen, the past is the past. We are not those people. White or Black. However, they're using minorities, including if not especially women, to bring about the new order of oppression. It will never end if we don't open our eyes to it and push back hard. We're Americans but they have forfeited that honor.
Remember, what you do to your fellow man will prove to be your own fate since you do not understand the forces at work. Better read a fuckin book. They just want you to think that there's a boogeyman out there. In reality, it's just people wanting to live free from government interference just like you.
The concept of Anti-Semitism should be wholly rejected. It is a tool of the State. I say this not only because it is not designed to protect regular people (like your Jewish neighbors) but rather is designed to defend the power apparatus. That is what the data bears out. Look at the Jewish community that the State is warring upon in New York over social distancing mandate violations. Those orthodox Jewish people would never be permitted to utilize 'anti-Semitism' to their own advantage against the State. What does that tell you Jewish people?
Additionally, it would not even be necessary to have Anti-Semitism laws if Semitism itself did not exist. Semitism being a tribal supremacy overshadowing the world giving birth to all manner of destructive ideologies, and utilized against Jewish people themselves when it is expedient for the State or their sanctioned goons to do so.
In a sense, we are all Jews whether culturally, religiously, or by virtue of partaking in systems ideologically borne of these same roots. So, how can I be Anti-Semitic? I am whom the State wars against. Wise up. It's not about Jewish people. It's about the State. There are only two classes of Americans and it's based on economic classifications. Guess which group you're in? The Poors. You are not the elite. You are NOT the initiated.
I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but any sense of being special or "Chosen" was crafted and it's being used against you. You just can't see it yet because you've given all of your energy to the delusion.
But what if you had the courage to see yourself as you are or may be, a singular individual with the superpower of morality enveloping you no matter who you stand along side, among, or against. You are a beacon. Join the side of morality and forsake EVERYTHING else.
Also, Leftist Jews have forfeited their Jewishness. Act accordingly.
Reject the concepts of Hate Speech. Reject any special treatment. Nothing in life is free. By the time you realize what the trade offs are you will have already been defeated.
The same psychopaths will wield their power against you. They are master manipulators. The power that you allow to be used against your neighbor will swing down on you in our lifetime because the ball has been set in motion.
I'm a free speech absolutist. While that does not mean free to make viable threats of violence, that does mean freedom of expression and thought and nothing is off limits. No knowledge or information is off limits, including the Holocaust, which I will touch on at some point but suffice to say that locking individuals up for not towing the line, or agreeing with the State's set of facts is a huge red flag. This's State dogma now and therefore problematic. Nothing is what is seems or what they promote. They are liars and when you find out the magnitude of the lies, you will be incensed. Holocaust and WW2 requires re-examination. Hitler killed 6 million Jews that never existed. They've used Jewish people as useful idiots. Lying to them and using them to manipulate non-Jews because the Jews wholeheartedly believe and promote the lie. It's the same M.O. used Every. Single. Time.
Through fear and anger you are manipulated. Who is it that they want you to hate? What is it that they want you to fear? Reject these methods of manipulation since they are designed to keep you from seeing, from looking, and therefore from knowing.
Otherwise, your moderate Democrat neighbor might've noticed over the past several years that the methods and mechanism of operation of this Leftist Authoritarian Apparatus were being exposed. We can thank Donald Trump for that. We've all had the opportunity to see how the proverbial sausage is made. Remember, every individual possess special and unique abilities. Superpowers. Donald Trump is Orion. They must kill Orion. There's nothing new under the Sun. It's not about liking or disliking DJT. What was his purpose? He definitely served it and without him we would NOT know the things we know now. We can't unsee what has been revealed.
Get acquainted with the terms neo-Bolshevism and 'permanent revolution', you're in the grips of it. Read a fuckin book. Pay attention to the finer points of what occurred back in 1917 in Russia and who those people (Bolsheviks) actually were. Who was Genrihk Yagoda? Never heard of a murderous Jew? That's what the core of the Bolsheviks were. Remember, all things run downstream of the occult and from that same ideology. Look at the statistics. Do your homework. This is not a drill. This is an existential fight. The Moral vs. The Immoral. The powers that be rely on the fact that you will not do the hard work and they do everything that they can to deny you your ability to perform due diligence over most everything in your life and then hold you responsible for your failure to do so. Veritably everything that affects you in your life is crafted for you by elite insiders and initiates. They arrogantly tell you that they control what you think. Listen to them carefully and know them by their actions since they utilize the same tactics - Every. Single. Time.
#Voltaire. "To find out who rules over you, find out who you cannot criticize." Truly the most prolific shit poster of all time until Donald J. Trump. A vote for Donald Trump was a vote against the Leftist Authoritarian Apparatus that controls every institution of society. A vote for Biden was a vote for globalism and subjugation as outlined in The Green New Deal [Agenda 21/2030]. What you are observing is the take over of America by Communists, Trans-Humanists, Globalists, and Satanists/Occultists. Collectively known as the Leftist Authoritarian Apparatus that uses every institution of society to further enslave Western Civilization and the World.
Remember, nobody's coming to save you. That is a timeless myth borne of tyranny to fool capable individuals into abdicating their own personal power and agency to a false idea that was only ever designed to distort reality. It is up to decent, freedom loving individuals to overcome this crafted thought environment so that we may fight to become free thinking individuals in order to save Western Civilization and secure the future of our children for at least another 100 years.
If you still watch mainstream media, or you believe that they are unbiased, that they have the best interests of the American people in mind, or that they are in any way a legitimate source of information, at this point in the timeline, you might want to lift your head up from the grindstone and pay attention. They, in fact, manufacture consensus and mold perception to their own greedy advantage. It's called a Tel-A-Vision after all. Every aspect of the system is rigged against you.
I come across lots of Democrats that are ready to fight at the first word but listen to them long enough and you will see that they have no idea what they have voted in and most don't understand basic concepts of property rights. They certainly do not understand The Green New Deal. They do not understand the document from which it originates. They do not understand the fundamental concepts of individual rights. I know this for a fact because if they understood in even the most basic sense, they would never have voted for a Democrat party that plans to implement The Green New Deal. A cornerstone of The Green New Deal is to abolish private property. Your own personage is your property. Grug say, "You own you". Think very hard about that. This is not a game. You see what's going on out here.
Do not take any vaccine. We are still in Emergency status so there's no liability on the manufacturers. On top of that, they've been given legal immunity otherwise. If you think the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is a better option, then you're what they call an idiot. J&J has been sued several times in high profile class action suits for knowingly allowing production of products that would cause harm to and/or injury to the public. After a while, I was wondering who has it out for J&J there were so many crippling class actions.
At the end of the day, you cannot save people from themselves. This point in the timeline is called "You get what you fuckin deserve".
Read John Locke. All of his concepts are front and center in our times - property rights, education (tabula rasa), consensus of the people being the power of a nation, all of these concepts are being utilized against you, but pay attention to the matter of the people maintaining the means to overthrow a tyrannical government. We're about to be tested. We're living a distortion of John Locke's philosophies which virtues have been hijacked and result in our present state of affairs where consent of the people is manufactured and used against them. Pure evil.
What you are witnessing is the absolute subversion free will. Liberalism was only used to get us to the state that we find ourselves in now. Not a fan.
"Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times."