Transcript of Video:
"What's going on in Ukraine? It's a massive distraction. They're trying to distract you away from what going on in everyone's home-country. The Ukraine is not what you think it is. Now let's get things straight. The Ukraine is not a sovereign state. It does not have internationally recognized sovereign borders. It's still part of Russia and has been since the 10th Century. How about that? Now what's happened in between, we understand that. But this is like Russia invading Russia. That's all it is. The Ukrainian people are very upset. Particularly, the Ukrainians in Australia. I get it but guess what? You've been lied to. Just like the Australian people have been lied to. We think we are a sovereign nation. We are not. The Ukrainians think they are a sovereign nation. They are not.
See, the truth is slowly gonna come out about what's really going on and what's really going on is this. The Ukraine has been the center of the Globalists for decades and decades and decades. 70 years at least. CAA which is not a good organization. They're the implementers of the Deep State let's say. They've been working in the Ukraine for 70 years building up a resistance to everybody and everything. Why? Because they needed to bring the Soviet Union down but They also want the resources of the Ukraine. That's what this is all about. Particularly, the Eastern Ukraine. Massive natural resources that CIA goes in, gets control of and American "business interests ", and They're not business. They're just robber barons. They're not legitimate businessmen. They just want to steal and that's what goes on and so They're taking that away from Russia and the Ukraine.
And, on top of that it's the Center of the Deep State. So by Vlad Putin going in, he's cutting the head off the snake. Once Ukraine goes down, because They've already taken over the capital of Kazakhstan. If you want to have a look at something weird, go take a look at the architecture in Kazakhstan and tell me if this is normal architectural buildings of a struggling nation. But Ukraine? That's the head of the snake and Vlad's taking the head off. Once the head comes off, the whole Beast will die. That's what's actually going on folks. So, please.
They're gonna tell you stories about possible nuclear war and Vlad's a bad man. This is the war with Russia They wanted with Hillary Clinton as President because she lost the whole war against Russia was postponed. This is the plan They always had, to destroy Russia because they don't have a banking system that is under the Rothschild's. What a dangerous course of action that is and they want to get a hold of the resources. This is Them taking it.
Anyway, so Vlad's taking down the Deep State. He's hoping. He's cutting the head off the Snake. So, that's what's going on. So, ignore all the chatter you're gonna hear over the next little while about nuclear war and Russia's attempt to take over the Globe. Completely opposite. So, that's the Ukraine. So, please do your own research. For goodness sake, don't watch Mainstream Media because if Their lips are moving, just like the politicians, if the Media's lips are moving, They're lying."
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Images (below) of the "struggling" Kazakhstan.
Opinion Retort:
I'm not sold on that, this could be catastrophic for Russia, loss of military strength and no markets except China that will end up owning them. Why doesn't he release pedophile child rape videos, they must have some? Why didn't he make this about saving Ukraine from the Jew human traffickers? I'm not optimistic.