We can do it again. We've Got to Get Ourselves Back to The Garden, Literally.
Facebook Kerry Mullis exposed the AIDS farce.
Immigrant Italian Woman at Ellis Island.
There tends to be some debate regarding the eating of meat and animal products. I thought I might weigh in on this subject first. This will be fairly short since the natural world has ordained that all living things participate in the cycle of life (and death). Humans are no exception. Where we appear to be going wrong is not in that we take life for sustenance, there's no way around this, whether you consume animal or vegetable by the way, but that we fail to bring forth life in return. We take but do not give back. We are thieves.
Just like you were given life, you were meant to in-turn give life.
Works in most instances but no more so than in our ability to sustain ourselves during our time here on Earth. Our relationship with food is out of touch due to the availability and readiness of food in our modern lifestyles but that is not a good thing. The modern world experience pulls us further and further from the tempo of life that humans were designed for and observed for millennia. The truth is that it's all about reciprocation. Give and take.
We are not even living any longer since we are trapped in the cycle of modern existence. Getting what we can. Taking what we are given. We are fed by industry. Not like cattle. People draw that parallel often or they refer to the masses as sheep for their mindless consumption of useless information. However, it's much worse than all that. We are kept not as cattle, not as sheep. We are kept as pigs, and we have relished our lowliness.
Gorged with nutrition-less foods of which we can't get enough, of which we cannot and do not provide for ourselves. The entire system is built on consumption. Yours. Do you believe that these food industry and corporate heads do not know that they are poisoning us? They know and they will keep on pushing the envelope. Think Soylent Green.
These are the masses. Consuming with no concept of where our food comes from or any concern for such things. Packaged and processed with God knows what. We lack any positive and/or beneficial relationship with food. We live to eat and eat just about anything that They throw to us. Remember, well-being and homeostasis starts in the gut. When we talk about the prevalence of immune response and digestive disease in particular, it's impossible to have an honest conversation without addressing our diets. We are consuming foods not designed for us. Newly introduced, like seed oils. Processed foods. Eat whole foods. Better yet grow your own food paying special attention to soil nutrients and quality. Start composting. Don't throw away eggshells and vegetable odds and ends. You can look up simple composting methods easily. A great starter exercise is seeing if you can get some of those veggies that you bought to root. For instance, lettuce, cabbage, onions, leeks, etc.
If you can do that, you may never have to run to the grocery store for those items ever again. That's a great start! Most people will be incapable of providing their own sustenance in the future, and I'm talking intelligent individuals.
In plain English, masses will starve because our natural human instincts and judgement have been voided or nullified by the evils of modernity. And so, we've lost something crucial to our own humanity. Our humanness. This is the ultimate, the hilt of subjugation.
Will you eat the bugs?
Continued below . . .
Immigrant Ruthenian Woman, Ruthenians | Catholic Answers
Presently, you are a part of The Herd. Not a herd of cattle. Not a herd or flock of sheep but Pigs. Swine. This is how industry perceives the masses. This is how the elites view the masses. You are not special. They want to throw you bugs now. The elites view themselves as superior to us on various points but no more so than due to our differing natures. Thrown something for free you would take it like a beggar. This works with information too. They are not the same as us. Their bloodlines have been cultivated through rites. Particular acts that we consider abominations but worthy of remark since the levels of self-control and personal mastery required are immense. You can't even go without lunch or breakfast or an entire day without eating. You are a slave to your drives in any event. A glutton.
Whether it be food, sex, emotional bullshit and drama, whatever your interests might be, you glut. You glut through indulging yourself in your thoughts and you fancy yourself as many things that are not true. You exhibit lack of self-control and in fact practice it in your thoughts and ideas as much as anything else. No es bueno. Das ist nein gut. The only question I have for you is, Qui dat irrumabo? Who gives a fuck - about what you think especially of yourself.
Who am I? I am Nobody. I am completely certain of this. If you think that is a weakness in any regard, you are mistaken. Work on stripping yourself of your personal hang-ups.
You're on a self-imposed hamster wheel. Thoughts keeping you awake at night? You have problems buddy. Those thoughts control you, therefore. Drinking away your problems? Doing drugs? What in the hell? Stop trying to escape. It is impossible. Drinking and drugs only pull you deeper and deeper into your own mind (often a hell) and away from reality. Away from the present. Farther away from your connection to all things. God. You're a sissy and no good to anyone, especially yourself. You consider yourself strong? You have many erroneous ideas about yourself. Remember, you are what you do. Strength is control. Self-control. Control over your drives, the processes of your mind. Control over yourself to the extent that you are no longer susceptible to base drives and in-turn the traps of modernity. You can make it through just about ANY calamity let alone silly day-to-day situations but first you have to be cognizant of these things that are within your control. Lots of the themes people are unnecessarily putting themselves through can be remedied by exercising self-control, including in your personal relationships.
Often times I may say that I do not dislike a person, for instance, but I dislike their behavior. There is a difference. When you get in touch with the various factors that drive you, you'll see what I mean. Even the microbes in our bodies send (for lack of a better description) thoughts. They tell you when you're hungry or this or that. They are not you, however. Interesting subject. To be continued . . .
You do not need most of the things that modern society dictates that you need. You do not "need" sex. You do not "need" to eat in the manners that we do or the amounts that we eat. You do not need the material things you are told that you need. Dare I say, you do not "need" attachments. Modern society will have you believe that you're hurting yourself by not towing the line. By not eating on their schedule and what They have deemed for you. By not being a whore to just about everything, attachments, emotionalisms, information, intellectualisms, ego in general. Stop being their whore. How? Get control over your drives for starters.
Once upon a time, going even days without eating was not unusual.
So, we find ourselves fattened, yet "mal" nourished. Weakened. Our minds dulled. Blinded by basic want. You have to snap out of it now so that you may start living. You will be more free than you have ever conceived possible because all of this time you were led to believe that freedom was words strung together on a piece of paper. Nay. Freedom is self-sufficiency, the ability to exercise self-control, and deny external want at your whim. To deny lustful desire wholly. Glutting in any regard.
One of the first steps is feeding ourselves from the ground beneath our feet. Your own existence sustained by your own hands and the grace of God.
When you are faced with the challenge of having to provide for yourself, then your relationship with food will be instantly adjusted to reality. Why wait? The signs are all there. Not only that, but your betters have come out and told you time and time again. They want complete control over our existence because their plans are nefarious and they harbor utter disdain for common folk. They know that They can easily tempt you. The only thing for us to do now is, to take our own destinies into our own hands.
"We've got to get ourselves back to the garden", literally.
Maybe it wasn't some mystical place in the distant past (or just a catchy tune) or something to shoot for in the non-existent future. Keep it simple stupid. The answers are within. Maybe it always meant getting back to the Earth. Doing what we were born to do. You were born to participate in the cycle of life. That means taking control of yourself, providing for yourself in the most basic terms, and learning about yourself along the way and what it means to be truly living life.
If we could feed ourselves, that's a greater power than almost ANYTHING.
Modern humans condemn themselves by breaking the cycle of life (and death) living modern lifestyles that alienate them from their inherent nature(s) since modernity exploits human instinct and judgement. That's what evil does. It uses human instinct and judgement to destroy us. It actually prevents us from living because it instead causes us to chase all manner of things most especially ideas. Even now, you think about if I just lived here or there or in the future then I'll be able to do this or that. Wherever you are lay down the appropriate foundations for living a right-life. Be in the present and relish life rather than trudging through life. Differentiate between the fantasies of your mind and the practical realities of life. Return to the garden.
Take small steps every day to learn something new. Ideally, learn how to become self-sufficient. Meaning how to feed yourself and provide for your own needs. The ultimate in self-sufficiency is being able to feed yourself entirely. It was a falsity that led us to believe that chasing money and material things, desires, and wants was living. Every step of the way, we gave up truly living. Knowing how to live. It's incredible.
In two generations, my Calabrian family went from being typical immigrant Italians meaning everyone grew their own food and worked with others in the community to provide goods and services. Immigrant Italians didn't shop at grocery stores. We had a community of people with all of the skills and know-how to provide not just everything that might be needed but the freshest, top-quality goods, homemade breads, preserved meats, vegetables, etc. Everybody had something to offer. You made wine. You would even have someone coming around with silver wares. All that started falling apart in the Boomer generation. All of that know-how and wherewithal fell by the wayside and was utterly forgotten. A lot of the reasoning for that is the egotistical nature of that generation. Absolute brats.
Imagine, growing up in a multigenerational household with intact traditions, rich culture, and self-sustaining, strong community (as above described) and then instead of embracing all of that, you rejected it. You passed on nothingness. The dystopia.
When my grandfather, Aldo, passed we found a poem that he'd written at some point in his life. Essentially, it stated that his line would not be American until the generation of his grandchildren. My sister and me. The tone was hopeful and endearing. I never forgot it. Every other generation was a hyphenated Italian or Italian American in their respective order even his own children not quite making it. Finally, he realized his dream with us.
Aldo was formidable man. Towering and tough with a most rock-solid constitution. Frankly, so was his sister, Angelina. They were all battle axes. That's how the line was meant to be. However, Americanization was his dream and he understood that was a process. I wonder if he ever gleaned what the tradeoffs would be. Namely, the breakdown of community. The villainization of European descent people in this country. This takeover. So many of us have a deep-seeded investment in this nation. Dues have been paid. Notwithstanding the fact that Boomers lapped it all up with no regard.
When "people" talk about pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, they know because they saw their parents and grandparents do that very thing and listened to those harrowing stories. What did those people from generations ago do? They grew their own food. They fed themselves and their families. The neighborhood. They created things, built things with their own two hands, and made their own way. They built communities from scratch and they were able to do that because they had a common bond.
Find your common bond(s) and get to work.
These things that I have described are NOT out of reach. The same blood that pulsed through my grandfather, pulses through me, and yours is no different. Come out of the world. Feed yourselves and feed others. Work with your neighbors to feed each other. Barter. We can do all of these things now. You know it's the right thing to do. We can build a real sense of community once again in the process and create the world that we want for our children. You don't have the luxury of living with plans for the future that may never materialize. Doesn't matter where you live.
Wherever you live, live by example.
Immigrant Dutch children.
Above depicted are a variety of European descent immigrants who pulled themselves up by their bootstraps. Dropped on the streets after processing through Ellis Island. The fellow above was a German stowaway. Image the fearlessness.