"So, the Black community in Chicago is irate with the financial support that the incoming migrants are getting and the Black gangs are ready to go to war with the Venezuelans gangs that are moving into their neighborhoods.
So, I'm just curious who is the racist in this particular dynamic?
If these gangs do indeed go to war, who do we call the Nazis? Is it the side that drops more bodies? I'm just trying to clarify things here as I'm trying to figure out who I should be rooting for according to Leftist ideology. Leftists seem to have all the answers, so seriously who's the victim here? The impoverished communities in Black inner city Chicago or the desperate migrants just trying to find a better life at the expense of the American people? My feeble mind just has trouble understanding the intricacies of the die-versity hierarchy, but I trust that you guys have a plan for all this."
Leif Erickson
The chosen Fairy Tale people are jonesin for civil war.